High jumps and nose dives

POP at 59 / Story at 69

In my late 50s I so got the urge to jump on the trampoline at the place I was living. Bouncing is good for us and so much fun. Up into the treetops and back down to earth. I simply had to keep going. Must have been about 20 minutes. 

Wham – POP – like a saturated tampon had nose dived out.

The fun stopped and the world stood still.

Scary, frightening, alarming, bewildering.

As a Pilates practitioner and teacher, in theory I knew about pelvic organ prolapse.

Looking back, my knowledge, experience and even interest was very superficial.

I had never looked into what support systems were in place or where to find them – thought the GP would handle it.

Theory is quite different (I discovered) from first-hand knowledge.

The prolapse impacted every aspect of my life, or so it seemed.

I was alone and felt extremely vulnerable about this ‘life changing experience’. 


Who could I share this with? It felt so unfamiliar and unbelievable.

From lover of life and an avid morning walker I came to a stop.

What to do.

Who to talk to. 

Where to from here.

Googling was both helpful with who to go to and information, and at the same time extremely unhelpful with some horrific personal experiences.

A doctor’s appointment with referral to the women’s department at the hospital for evaluation and physiotherapy support made me feel like there was a faint hint of light in an otherwise bleak future.

After some months, a pessary was inserted. 

Thankfully I turned down surgery, much to the horror of the medical team. 

I am grateful they backed down and ‘allowed’ me to ‘try’ the pessary.

Almost immediately it changed my life.

A lot less drag and best of all, no protrusion.

Regular Kegel pelvic floor exercises have completely ceased the ‘drag’ feeling.

Unbelievable how I experience life today compared with life following my prolapse. 

The trampoline is not part of my life.

Having the prolapse immensely influenced my teaching. Yes I’m a better teacher for it with a far greater appreciation of many physical, and emotional conditions.

My main support is the pessary and of course the wonderful people who see me six-monthly to check everything is okay.

I have a rectocele and cystocele.